TGA selects Origis Providers for the 500 MW Texas Solar Venture

Tokyo Gas America Ltd. (TGA) has selected Origis Services, a provider of operations and maintenance (O&M) and asset management services for solar and energy storage throughout North America, to support the company's 500 MW AC actina solar project in Wharton County, Texas , manage .

Aktina is located near Houston's charging center and is slated to go online in blocks from the middle of the year. The electricity is supplied to the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT). Origis will provide an integrated suite of O&M services, including full-time technicians to the project, as well as compliance and monitoring services from its 10,000 square foot remote operations center in Austin, Texas.

"Tokyo Gas is rapidly scaling to meet its global clean energy goals," said Michael Eyman, managing director of Origis Services. “We are honored to be working on Aktina with TGA. The investments we have made in our facility and team to support the massive growth of solar and energy storage in the US will now support TGA's renewable energy footprint. "

Aktina is the first solar project in the US by TGA, a wholly owned subsidiary of Tokyo Gas Co. Ltd. The project contributes to the company's Compass 2030 initiative, which aims to increase renewable energy capacity to 5 GW by 2030 and achieve net-zero carbon emissions. The solar park extends over 4,000 hectares and uses around 1.4 million solar modules.